resso lab at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2025

Making a Mark on the Design Map

In February 2025, resso lab (then JOLI Stone) participated in the Stockholm Furniture Fair for the second time – a major milestone in establishing itself as a long-term force in sustainable interior design.

An Inspiration for Sustainable Design

The booth was more than just an exhibition – it was an experience. Showcasing how waste materials can be transformed into exclusive products, the space illustrated how these solutions integrate seamlessly into both private and commercial environments. This year, the focus on upcycling was stronger than ever, reinforcing resso lab’s commitment to redefining waste. A key highlight was the launch of our sinks made from leftover marble, demonstrating how discarded materials can be given new purpose through thoughtful design.

The Fair as a Platform for Change

Stockholm Furniture Fair is one of Europe’s premier design fairs, and resso lab’s presence helped spread the message of circular design to a broader audience. Architects, interior designers, and other industry professionals who share this vision engaged in exciting conversations, leading to promising new collaborations.

A big thank you to everyone who visited – the journey towards driving sustainable design forward continues!

Summering på svenska

I februari 2025 deltog resso lab (tidigare JOLI Stone) för andra gången på Stockholm Furniture Fair – ett viktigt steg i att etablera sig som en långsiktig aktör inom hållbar inredning.

Montern var mer än en utställning – den var en upplevelse. Med fokus på upcycling visade resso lab hur spillmaterial kan omvandlas till exklusiva designlösningar. Ett av årets stora höjdpunkter var lanseringen av handfat tillverkade av överbliven marmor, vilket stärker företagets vision om att ge avfall nytt liv.

Mässan gav en plattform för att sprida budskapet om cirkulär design till en bredare publik. Arkitekter, inredningsdesigners och andra branschproffs engagerade sig i spännande samtal som ledde till nya lovande samarbeten.

Stort tack till alla som besökte oss – resan mot en mer hållbar designvärld fortsätter!